Via PR
The Hyde Park Art Center announced this year's participants in HPAC's Jackman Goldwasser Residency. Radicle Studio Residents are rooted at the Art Center from January to December through high-quality, free studio space where artists make work, research new projects, have access to the Art Center’s broad international network of artists and resources, and connect with a dynamic public.
2025 Radicle Studio Residents are: Sabba S. Elahi, Leticia Pardo, Norman Long and Irene Hsiao
As part of the Visiting Residency Program, Chicago’s only international residency, HPAC is welcoming Yonamine (March 3 – 28), Iris Ping-Chi Hung (April 28 - May 9), and Keren Kroul (July 21 – August 1).
The Jackman Goldwasser Residency connects artists deeply with their own practice in the context of HPAC's vibrant, multifaceted community. Each year, the program invites international, national, and Chicago artists and curators to complement their mode of production with increased attention towards reflection, reconnection, and research to spark new ideas and considerations of local and global art practices.
The Residency takes place in the Center's Guida Family Creative Wing and supports both local and visiting artists and curators. By linking practitioners from different communities, the program aims to galvanize an international network of artists, curators, academics, arts administrators, educators, practitioners, and researchers invited to consider themselves peers and colleagues participating in a conversation that transcends national, cultural, and political boundaries.