
A Tale of Donkeys and Elephants: Satire with the Wink of a Fox

Apr 6, 2017 - May 20, 2017
Northern Illinois University, Altgeld Hall, 1st Floor, West End, 595 College Ave. DeKalb, IL 60115

Exhibition on view through May 20, 2017

Northern Illinois University’s Interdisciplinary Certification of Graduate Study in Museum Studies students in Art 656: Museum Exhibitions and Interpretation curated A Tale of Donkeys and Elephants; Satire with the Wink of a Fox with Instructor Peter Van Ael. This exhibition presents political cartoons that have been used since colonial times to succinctly express, in visual form, differing points of view on complex socio-political concerns in hopes of influencing opinion and action. 

Part of the exhibition suite Hand in Hand: The Visual Arts as a Means of Social and Political Propaganda, Protest and Commentary

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