In conjunction with the release of Agitator Comics! Volume 4, Agitator Artist Collective presents a glorious collection of animation from independent creators in Chicago and beyond. It’s open-call, open-theme, and such a wide variety of styles it will blow your mind.
Join us for a beautiful evening of animated art!
Featuring work by: Aaron Storm, Allyson Gonzalez, April Aquino, Ayo Olugbenga, Caleb Nelson, Chiawei Lin, Christopher Bennett, Claire Rosemary, Clara J Bakker, Daniel Stankler, dd bentl, Dillinger Alaska, Harrison Wyrick, Jeffrey Mendenhall, Jiadi Tang, John Airo, Julia Chien, Lauren Ramsey, Mateo Badilla, Matteo Dang, Max Tikhonov, Gretchen Hasse, Michael Swearingen, Michele Febbraio, Peter Whittenberger, Phoebe Parsons, Pietro Leddi, Ramin Takloo-Bighash, Sydney Task, Zechen Li
Image Credit: Clara J Bakker