
Also on View: Exhibition Walk Through

Sunday, Mar 10, 2019 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
University of Chicago, 5811 S. Ellis Ave., Cobb Hall, 4th Fl., Chicago, IL, 60637


In this exhibition tour, Chicago-based artists John Henderson and B. Ingrid Olson share their perspectives on David Maljković’s various works, in which painting, photography and sculpture converge.

Henderson’s own works also blur the lines between mediums, as he uses different processes to engage with painting, including casting, printing, and electrotyping. Olson’s photographs and sculptures, like those in her 2017 Renaissance Society exhibition, deploy various materials and presentation methods, often in tune with the artist’s and viewers’ bodies


Image: David Maljković, Problems with Predecessor, 2013-14.

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