“It is important throughout your life to proclaim your joy” -Mark Eitzel
Artmaking is joy, sharing is joyous. Amanda’s quilted works are a celebration of unconventional fabric combinations and abundance of hand stitching. She finds that sharing her process and her unique approach to making quilts brings her as much joy as she finds in making her work. Quilting has become an act of self care; working in the medium of textiles enables her to fit stitching into free moments throughout her day.
Amanda Nadig is a textile artist who finds inspiration in keeping with and breaking away from traditions in quilting. Her hand quilted compositions explore colors and shapes sourced from secondhand garments and home textiles discovered near her home studio in Chicago, IL. Her two young children and her high school art students have a great influence on her work; she explores balance, embraces chance, and experiments endlessly in her artistic practice.