
Art for an (Un)Common Public

Apr 30, 2017 - Jul 16, 2017

Part of Super Spring Sunday Opening Reception

Gallery 5

New paintings, drawings, photography, art installations, and performances demonstrate the intense study by teens participating in Hyde Park Art Center’s courses on Art & Restorative Justice and Photography, in addition to our in-house arts mentorship programs: ArtShop and Youth Art Board. Under the supervision of artists Carris Adams and Joshua Slater, teens exercise their creative voices as they process the current socio-political climate and respond to current events through their artwork presented in the exhibition. Featuring artwork by Oluwafemi Ajenifuja, Menelik Barberouss, Lauren Calvin, LeShawn Cox, Will Curry, Jiawei (Laura) Gong, Walela Greenlee, Amir Hardeman, Genevieve Liu, Kendall Mensah, Nicholas Pelster Johnson, VaChanta Sims, and Krist Vinotai.

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