
Be a part of pARTicles

Feb 10, 2021 - Feb 14, 2021
Kirk Rd & Pine St Batavia, IL 60510

As with any new creation, it all starts with an idea: When Fermilab scientists identify a research problem, they conceive a solution, converse with others in their community to develop it further, and then, over months, years or decades, design and build experiment or a technology that addresses it. The result — new data, a new machine, a new sensor — is a fulfillment of that initial idea and a continuation of the larger mission: to delve into matter, energy, space and time.

The artists who have submitted their artwork to “Be a part of pARTicles” have interpreted words and data from the science at Fermilab onto canvas with oils, watercolor, digital imagery, woodcuts and LEDs. These artists are from 11 states (California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island) and 10 countries (Brazil, Finland, India, Italy, Lebanon, Malawi, Mexico, Spain, Turkey and the United States).

With all these different viewpoints, what a colorful canvas we have created!

Thanks for being a part of pARTicles.

Here is the live link to be a part of pARTicles: https://events.fnal.gov/art-gallery/be-a-part-of-particles-gallery/ ‎


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