
Boris Osterov: Welcome To the Party

Sep 17, 2022 - Oct 21, 2022
8 S. Michigan Ave., Ste. 620, Chicago, IL 60603

Bert Green Fine Art is pleased to present our first solo show by Chicago-based painter Boris Ostrerov, and our fourth solo show by Raeleen Kao, a Chicago-based printmaker and installation artist.

Boris Ostrerov exploits paint’s tactile qualities: using volume and viscosity along with color. His paintings are messy, exuberant, weighty, and sculptural. Layered with juicy piles of paint often squeezed from cake decorating bags, they both rely on and defy gravity. The pieces elicit attraction and repulsion — the work simultaneously (but abstractly) presents as food, abundance, human waste, viscera. The tension and conflict in the work between opposing themes and visual elements mirrors our own conflicted understanding of life.

All gallery events are free and open to the public. Additional information found at the gallery website at http://bgfa.us.Please forward to any interested parties.


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