Brian Garoutte | Mixed Media Collages & Acrylic Paintings
Guest Pop-Up Artist On the Bricks
Saturday, July 27, 6-9pm | One Night Only
As long as I can remember I’ve always had a drive to create. I love pursuing new interests and gaining new insights along the way. I have learned a great deal by exploring, experimenting, and simply being in the creative process.
Growing up, I always loved drawing. As a teenager, I began working with watercolors and acrylic paints. In my early 20s I attended art school in San Diego and earned an Associate’s degree in Graphic Design. In 2016 I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies from Northeastern Illinois University.
Throughout the years I’ve used art, music, and photography as creative outlets. However, only in the past year or so have I dedicated myself to my artwork. When I have the opportunity I will head down to the basement, put on some music, and work on these pieces. One of the most fulfilling parts of all of this has been discovering my own processes, letting my work evolve, and not being afraid to try something new. -- Brian Garoutte