
Buoyant Surface

Jun 29, 2018 - Jul 19, 2018
2130-40 W. Fulton, Unit B. Chicago, IL 60612

The Chicago Artists Coalition is pleased to present Buoyant Surface, a solo exhibition by BOLT Artist-in-Residence, Jean Alexander Frater.

Raw canvas is the background of the under-painting of the over-painting. Cotton weave is covered and undone and redone. Doubled material increases weight; concealed color seeps to the surface.

I use my whole body to flatten the canvas against the wall. Stretch tall and wide to fix the edges, pressing out the wrinkles. Filling my brush with paint and applying the first coat.

Another Coat, Over Another

Ripping quickly, pressing my body against the canvas, guiding the tear. The rip is loud and sharp. 

The under-color comes through the cracks; the raw canvas is the line.

Holding the wooden square frame at a diagonal with outstretched arms.

Over Under, Under Over 

Paint cracks and the sharp edges cut my hand. Fabric softens as each woven gesture repeats, repeats and repeats.

Pulling it tight. It snags. It sags. Light bounces off the surface.

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