
Caroline Kent : Space | Shadow | Script

Sep 10, 2022 - Nov 5, 2022
1612 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago, IL 60622

PATRON is proud to present Space | Shadow | Script featuring new paintings within an immersive environment by Caroline Kent. Combining wall paintings, reliefs, and chromatic compositions, this exhibition transforms the gallery’s architecture into scenography.

Kent sources from the legacies of geometric abstraction to develop her own, ever-evolving, gestural language. In paintings, sculptures, and, at times, performance, Kent’s practice extends the traditions of abstraction. For the artist, abstraction—in its various forms—ignites new modes of meaning-making.  
The artist imagines interior architectures as sites of encoded exchange. In her current treatment of the exhibition space, Kent incorporates floor plans of traditional Mexican homes with modernist influences and adaptations. She has painted large-scale details from these plans directly onto the walls, shifting our viewing perspective of architectural plans from an aerial to an alternate point of view. Kent draws a comparison between the architectural floor plan and a theatrical stage: both are sites for projecting imaginative speculation. The gallery visitor becomes both a spectator and an actor in the space of this exhibition.



Image: CAROLINE KENT. The small hours, 2022. Acrylic on Belgian linen | 63” x 63” / 160.02 cm x 160.02 cm

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