
Chromaticity: Joanne Mattera, Lisa Pressman, Kathleen Waterloo, Alicia LaChance

Jul 12, 2019 - Sep 1, 2019
704 N. Wells, Chicago, IL 60654

Current Exhibition: "Chromaticity" featuring new paintings by Joanne MatteraLisa PressmanKathleen Waterloo, and Alicia LaChance. These four artists are connected by a focused, dynamic relationship to color. These four artists have developed their own specific color-based vocabulary that not only engages in emotive expression, but at times reflects a nearly scientific sense of inquiry. Each uses materials that reflect this sense of experimentation: Beeswax and ancient encaustic processes, cold wax-based mediums, fresco techniques, and flashe. Whether painted in a spirit of expressionism, or with an eye towards design, or engaging both color and material as phenomenon, the ambitious paintings that result are works that are both rigorous and lush, exacting and playful, buoyant and complex. The exhibition continue through September 1, 2019.

Images: clockwise from top left: Alicia LaChance, Arthur Ave, 36x35, mixed media; Joanne Mattera, Silk Road #365, 12x12, encaustic on panel; Kathleen Waterloo, Just So, 42x42, encaustic on panel; Lisa Pressman, Embark, 24x24, oil and cold wax on wood panel.


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