Run, walk, fly, glide, cycle or hop on over to CPC for a stroll through an incredible array of transportive art that’ll surely inspire you to waltz outta here w one (or more) prints in tow. Over 32 artists featured including Hiroshi Ariyama, Coco Berkman, Karl Bethke, Karen Brussat Butler, Corinna Button, Alberto Cruz, David Driesbach, Christine Gb, Misha Goro, Dan Grzeca, John Himmelfarb, Phineas Jones, Ryan Kapp, Amos Kennedy, Scott Kiefer, Damon Kowarsky, Deborah Maris Lader, Dan MacAdam, Ray Maseman, Michelle McCoy, Dennis B. O'Malley, Jaco Putker, Jay Ryan, Artemio Rodriguez, Justin Santora, CHema Skandal!, Starshaped Press, Megan Sterling, Kouki Tsuritani, Nicola Villa, Art Werger, Cleo Wilkinson, and others.