
Come Wind, Come Weather

Jan 26, 2019 - May 19, 2019
Eastern Illinois University, 2010 9th St., Charleston, IL 61920

Brainard & eGallery

Sue de Beer is well known for her film and immersive sculptural environments, which both hold and transport viewers within and outside the frame of the artist’s lens. In Come Wind, Come Weather,de Beer has allowed the Tarble to present two of her films in concert: The Blue Lenses (2015) and The White Wolf (2018) to create a visually saturated viewing experience that harnesses the nostalgic character of place and the human desire—or even the basic instinct—to connect. This installation will take viewers on an exploration of the real and unreal, often blurring the curious boundary between specimen or the observer. De Beer’s environments become extensions of the film, as she asks viewers to not only see, but also be a part of the unfolding mysteries she creates within both works. Set in Abu Dhabi, The Blue Lenses is a two-channel film that follows a two-bit hustler and explores a young Arabic woman’s observations of his actions. Drawn from Daphne du Maurier’s short story, similarly entitled, de Beer’s The Blue Lenses presents the Middle East as a protagonist. Where based off the evidence presented by the artist, the viewers must decide what to believe or not. In de Beer's The White Wolf the artist reframes the classic tale of the werewolf as a way to present both themes of physical and psychological transformation.  Juxtaposed together. both works are explorations of individual and collective memory, fact and fiction, truth, and subversion. As the spring’s signature exhibition, several programs will explore the themes presented in Come Wind, Come Weather.


Image: Sue de Beer, The White Wolf (still), 2018 Two-channel HD video © Sue de BeerImage Courtesy of the Artist & Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York and Aspen

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