
Conjecture: Mitch Clark and John Upchurch

Mar 1, 2024 - Mar 30, 2024
3816 W. Armitage Ave., Chicago, IL 60647

A conjecture is a dalliance with guessing; an ongoing relationship with an ever-present perhaps.

Mitch Clark creates ephemeral sculptures from found, organic, and composed materials such as wire, paper and thread. Many are so delicate, that the tiniest wisps of air could result in them falling apart. Clark photographs these sculptures in the studio.

In these wildly imaginative works, Clark devises dreamlike landscapes by arranging and rearranging paper in such a way as to create worlds with hovering forms and unexpected reflections.

John Upchurch’s sculptural objects are created from discarded materials, industrial relics, parts of old tools and all kinds of interesting looking hardware. The conjecture in this work is the hopeful notion that almost anything can become something else, something new, something beautiful, hilarious or both. There is joy and poetry in perceiving anew, in reconfiguring and recombining. Easily anthropomorphized, the sculptures transmit possibility; many seem in the midst of something dynamic, active and alive and Upchurch’s titles tell us what: They Billow, Mingle, Comment and Reckon.   


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