
Curated by Dorit Jordan: Far From the Front Lines

Sep 7, 2017 - Oct 1, 2017
1717 Central St. Evanston, IL 60201

Exhibition on view: September 7-October 1, 2017

Opening reception: Friday, September 8, 6-8pm

A community of artists who strongly feel that art is personal - that the personal is political, and the political is very personal. Contemporary art exhibition of 22 local artists created works from outside the day-to-day conflict nevertheless remain viscerally connected to that conflict. Artists who are Far From the Front Lines have created an opportunity for artful dialog beyond borders.  It allows both the audience and the artists themselves to actively promote meaningful change in our minds, where all borders ultimately reside.   

This exhibit is about coexistence, hope, and showing fine art that will influence new ways of thinking.  The context of an exhibition expands the space of the artist to encompass not only the individual onlooker, but a community as a whole: diverse, tolerant, contentious, questing after justice at home, and personally invested in conflicts far away. Exhibition include paintings, photography, calligraphy, installation, video, mixed media and new media.  

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