
Data: BIG/-driven/Visualized…

Mar 28, 2019 - May 17, 2019
Northern Illinois University, Altgeld Hall, 1st Floor, West End, 595 College Ave. DeKalb, IL 60115

Data: BIG/-driven/Visualized...

This compendium of program and display delves into the array of manner in which data surrounds us, impacts us and is interpreted.

From the enormous amount of bytes of information constantly being produced, collected and analyzed; to the notion that decisions are made objectively when based on data; to the nuanced means of making numerical information comprehensible and compelling through graphic and physical representation,BIG/-driven/Visualized... explores the data in our lives.

A multidimensional exhibition about DATA to be held at the NIU Art Museum in Spring, 2019. In part, guest-curated, and in part, staff-curated; culled from the museum’s and other’s collections, a call-for- entry and by invitation.

Guest Curator

Richard Siegesmund is Professor of Art+Design Education in the School of Art and Design at Northern Illinois University. He has an interest in both quantitative and qualitative research, and the design of data reports that promote thoughtful public reflection and discussion.

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