
Do Something Else

May 25, 2018 - Jun 14, 2018
2130-40 W. Fulton, Unit B. Chicago, IL 60612

Opening Reception: Friday, June 1, 2018 6:00 - 9:00 pm

The Chicago Artists Coalition is pleased to present Do Something Else, a solo exhibition of new works by BOLT Artist-in-Residence, Brent Fogt.

In Do Something Else, Brent Fogt mounts an installation of off-kilter sculptures created from furniture and other found objects. These precariously balanced pieces are inspired by Fogt’s own yoga practice as well as his fascination with how we humans learn to walk, stand, and run. At the opening reception on June 1, 2018, a dance troupe led by Victoria Bradford will interact with the objects and move through the various pathways of the installation. 

Fogt’s love of experimentation with new processes is present in all of his work. The driving question he asks himself is “what would happen if….?” He constantly experiments with new techniques, taking his cues directly from the materials he works with. Without a predetermined outcome in mind, he tests how individual components can be severed, joined, overlapped, combined, and recombined until they constitute a whole or near-whole.

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