Wilmette resident and Art Center Faculty member, Rino Liberatore, will showcase his documentary "Iron Five", chronicling the story of the 1963 Loyola Rambler Basketball Team, still the only school from Illinois to ever win the NCAA Championship in a game that shattered a racist barrier in college basketball.
In 1963 there was an unwritten rule in the NCAA prohibiting college teams to field more than two Black players at a time. Loyola's starting line-up had four Black players and one white player. See what happened when they braved threats, tradition, and bigotry in this amazing documentary about the game Time magazine called one of the mostimportant moments in college basketball history.
The film includes interviews with members of that celebrated team. "Iron Five" debuted at The Black Harvest Film Festival and aired on WGN-TV. It can only be seen at this special event on Thursday evening December 2nd at 7 PM at The Art Center, 1957 Sheridan Road in Highland Park. Advance tickets are now available for this screening.https://bit.ly/3kqmzxY
The Art Center, a non-profit organization, is the North Shore’s cultural destination that inspires and ignites passion for the arts; providing a forum for self-expression, dialog and community engagement.
The documentary lasts 22 minutes and will be preceded by a director's reel of archival work, and finish with a Q&A with the producer/director Liberatore. Question and Answer with the film's creator will follow the presentation.
For more info contact: Jlynch @theartcenterhp.org, 847-432-1888.
Proof of vaccination will be checked at the door and masks are required of all participants.