
Don Perlis: Trumpworld

Oct 26, 2018 - Nov 25, 2018
2019 N. Damen Chicago, IL 60647

In many crossroads in our history, artists have played an important, integral role in provoking audiences to review, discuss and act on current state of affairs; our government and our social mores. This exhibition is Perlis' pictorial commentary on today's political and social environment and its pundits. As in the past there have been times that require thought and action. These are one of those times. 

Don Perlis' recent paintings of super heroes both from the ordinary to the sublime, Trump antics and common everyday buffoons provoke the viewer to ponder our current state of affairs. Including what some people idealize and what is daunted in Social Media. Scenes reflect disparate worlds of have and have nots, the sublime vs. the vulgar, the fantastical to the ordinary. The area of Time Square is one of its' stages which is recognized as "so New York, so American." These beautifully rendered paintings depict vignettes that reflect a world that is colorful, bombastic, full of both promise and despair. Perlis pushes the dialogue button. It's arts way to preserve the right for the democratic values of discourse.

Works and text courtesy of Denise Bibro Fine Art, Inc., New York donperlis.com
Beverages at the opening are provided by Temperance Beer Co. and Red and White Wines, Chicago.  

Exhibition is open during regular gallery hours, M-Sat 10-4



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