Gala / Benefit

Double Trouble Print Party

Thursday, Jun 6, 2019 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Chicago Printmakers Collaborative hosts the Speedball Printmaking Roadshow 

 with printmakers Bill Fick and Carlos Hernandez 

During their visit, Outlaw printmakers Fick and Hernandez will talk about their work 

 and ways to stay creative using sketchbooks and other ideas. Free sketchbooks for 

 everyone while they last! The PRINT PARTY component will take place after the talk. 

 All supplies provided except garments to print on - bring your own. Print a Bill Fick 

 linocut unto your favorite garment! Bring t-shirts, jackets, thrift store finds, etc to 

 print on. Free Speedball ink samples will be given away. Only $20 bucks at the door. 

 BYOB. The PRINT PARTY will not be one to miss!

More info and images to come on the Facebook Event page.


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