
Duck Feet: Guest Curated by Ricardo Partida

Aug 27, 2021 - Oct 8, 2021
CHICAGO STUDIO: 2010 W. Carroll Ave. Chicago, IL 60612

Opening Reception:
Friday, August 27
5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. (CST)
w/ Performance by Kevin Norris @6:30pm 

On view August 27, 2021 - October 8, 2021 

Ariée — Omar Abulsheik — Renata Berdes — Billy Borgerd — Raina CarterGuy Conners — Kai PrattKelly Stone Amanda Gantner — Ted Gram-Boarini — Danny Frownfelter — Jack Hennesy — Lawrence M. — Stefan HarhajLogan Kruidenier — Kevin Norris Maria VanikChristina Zion

guest curated by Ricardo Partida

Circle Contemporary is proud to present “Duck Feet,” a group exhibition of artists across the Chicagoland area and the hybridities that bring their work together. 

Duck Feet will feature 17+ artists currently living and working in Chicago, a city that champions individuality and allows for art and culture to collide and create something new and unique. The works of each artist are informed and influenced by the inevitable hybridities found in the art styles of their community.

Ricardo Partida is a Mexican-born, Chicago-based painter and recent graduate from The School of The Art Institute of Chicago’s Master of Fine Arts in Studio program. His work largely critiques and illuminates depictions of gender and desire in the Western Art Canon by creating exalted alter egos that question conventional power structures while obscuring artist and subject. By hybridizing lines and proportions previously associated with a gendered painting language, his work creates surrogacies of seduction that explore carnal desires by creating a push and pull of menace and allure. Partida’s work has been exhibited internationally including Texas, London, Rome, and New York.


Virtual Guest Curatorial and Artist Talk
Friday, September 3
1 p.m. (CST) RSVP for Zoom info

Gallery hours by appointment (circlecontemporary@artsoflife.org)

*IMPORTANT COVID PROTOCOL If you have recently tested positive for or are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, we ask that you stay home. Temperature checks will be conducted upon entry. There is a 10 person limit inside the gallery. Masks required for all attendees – with proof of vaccination for anyone over the age of 12.



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