
Forgotten Forms

Feb 2, 2019 - Apr 7, 2019
78 E. Washington, Chicago, IL 60602

Opening Reception: Saturday, February 2, 1–3 pm

Michigan Avenue Galleries, 1st Floor East

Forgotten Forms is a collaborative exhibition between members of the Chicago Cultural Alliance, the National Museum of Puerto Rican Arts & Culture and the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art. Investigating seemingly everyday objects to reveal a much greater story about neighborhood identity, placemaking and city life, the exhibition highlights the work of two emerging artists, both of whom explore structural elements of urban landscapes. Edra Soto revisits Puerto Rico’s vernacular architecture through her GRAFT installations and architectural interventions, and Yhelena Hall touches on the history of Chicago and explores a marginal state of detritus becoming artifacts through her series Polished Remnants. For more information, visit chicagoculturalalliance.org.

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