Intuit is offering free admission to all museum guests on the closing weekend of Chicago Calling: Art Against the Flow!
Say “Bon Voyage, Chicago Calling” before the Art Design Chicago exhibit begins its journey overseas. Organized and traveled by Intuit, Chicago Calling: Art Against the Flow tours to La Halle Saint Pierre (Paris, March 23–August 2, 2019), the Prinzhorn Collection (Heidelberg, October 16, 2019–February 9, 2020), Collection de l’Art Brut (Lausanne, March 6–August 30, 2020) and Outsider Art Museum (Amsterdam, September 2020–March 2021).
Since Chicago is one of the first cities in the United States to make a place for outsider art, it’s only fitting that we thank Chicagoans with a weekend of celebrating these local artists from the edge! Help us send off the show!