
How to Draw in Museums: Manet & Mokogosi

Thursday, Sep 5, 2019 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
The University of Chicago, 5550 S. Greenwood, Chicago, IL 60637

Take a drawing voyage through two Chicago art museums this fall and winter.

In the first of this two-part program, we’ll immerse ourselves in the lyrical details of painter Edouard Manet’s work. Sketching exercises and discussion of the Art Institute’s collection of paintings by Manet—as well as those of his predecessors—will call your attention to small details that make a big difference.

Though we will not be visiting the special exhibition Manet and Modern Beauty during the program, we highly encourage you to see it before it closes on September 8, 2019.

Don't miss Part II...
This is the first in a two-part workshop series happening at the Art Institute of Chicago and Smart Museum of Art this fall and winter. Part II takes place December 5, and features a series of sketching exercises around Meleko Mokgosi's monumental paintings. 

FREE, all materials provided. Open to all skill levels. Space is limited, please register in advance and let us know if you plan to come to one or both sessions. 

Presented by the Smart Museum of Art and the Art Institute of Chicago.


Image: Edouard Manet, detail of Fish (Still Life), 1864. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Larned Coburn Memorial Collection, The Art Institute of Chicago, 1942.311.


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