
Josh Garber: Amorous Terrain

May 21, 2021 - Jul 17, 2021

JOSH GARBER: Amorous Terrain explores seductive nature of haptic surfaces. He transforms inert industrial elements into a sensual energy. Intricate self-organizational patterns blend cutaneous skin-like structures into natural landscapes. Industrial materials transfigure into a whimsical framework that reshapes our fundamentally utilitarian view of industry into a more playful meditation. Hardware such as nuts, bolts, screws, and steel bar blossom into a larger realm of fantastic terrains that become more intimate extensions of ourselves.


View Exhibition: JOSH GARBER - Amorous Terrain

Image: JOSH GARBER - Us, together, 2021, welded stainless steel screws and hex nuts, 30 x 20 x 21 in.


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