PATRON is proud to present our first solo exhibition with Illinois based artist, Kay Hofmann The exhibition titled, pour toujours will open with a reception for the artist on January 26th, from 5-8PM, and will continue through March 9, 2019.
KAY HOFMANN (b. 1932, Green Bay WI) received her B.F.A at the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago IL and studied with Ossip Zadkine at the Academia de Grande Chaumiere, Paris FR. Her work has been featured in exhibitions at the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago IL; Lakeview Museum, Peoria, IL; Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL; Foothill Art Center, Golden, CO; Raher-West Museum, Manitowoc, WI; Ballarmine College, Louisville, KY; Suburban Fine Arts Center, Highland Park, IL;Alverno College, Milwaukee WI; Peoria Art Guild, Peoria, IL; Chicago Public Library, Chicago IL; Illinois Institute of Art, Chicago IL; Peter Miller Gallery, Chicago IL; and Mindscape Gallery, Chicago IL. Her work is in the permanent collections of Michael Jordan Collection, Borg Warner Corporation, Hugh Hefner, Continental Hotel, Gonstead Medical Center, Mt. Horeb, WI, Arthur Answerson Associates, and Henry Marcus Collection among many other private and corporate collections.