
Language of the Voiceless Art: Inspired by, and in Memoriam to Artist Nancy Hild

Sep 28, 2018 - Oct 20, 2018
1332 S. Halsted St. Chicago, IL 60607

Nancy's world was one of secrets: secret symbolism, hidden drawers, compartments within compartments, an anger and intense strength that was shielded behind floral arrangements, chicken feathers, pug dogs, and a gently scathing humor….but upon closer scrutiny these pleasantries were often plastic.  Blow up toys, easily punctured, and vulnerable in their inertness. 

Nancy exposed her anger at a world that trampled upon women and animals with equal nonchalance, and she did so by creating a silent language of detail and quietude, submerging her figures in the silence of black velvet encasement.

In homage to this otherworldly artist, Woman Made Gallery is asking for art that emotes that which cannot be put into words: women's anger, women's sadness, women speaking to each other in tongues only they can understand.  And animals, as representations of vulnerability and simultaneous resilience.  This is a call for art of emotion, above all…..a call for the expression of voicelessness 

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