
Let me consider it from here

Nov 17, 2018 - Nov 27, 2018
University of Chicago, 5811 S. Ellis Ave., Cobb Hall, 4th Fl., Chicago, IL, 60637

Opening Reception: Saturday, Nov 17, 5-8PM


In a period in which public life feels defined both by digital interconnection and vocal conflict on many fronts, the artists in Let me consider it from here—Constance DeJong, Saul Fletcher, Brook Hsu, and Tetsumi Kudo—suggest other ways of meeting the world face to face: anchored in solitary places but stretching beyond, and drawing on a generative tension between inside and out.

Please join us on Saturday, November 17 to celebrate the opening of this group exhibition. At 6pm in Swift Hall, a short walk from the gallery, Constance DeJong presents Candle Night Radios Insomnia, a performance of four nocturnal narratives.

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