
Life, Still.

Jan 8, 2021 - Feb 28, 2021
300 W. Superior, Chicago, IL 60654

Still life painting takes on new relevance these days as artists respond to current events.  Unable to work with live models, they must rely on objects around the studio for inspiration.  Some artists are redefining the idea of traditional still life by mixing genres and styles to great effect. The artists in this show represent a diverse interpretation of modern still life paining.



Mark Bowers
Andrew S. Conklin
Matthew Cook
Rose Freymuth-Frazier
Christina Haglid
Georgia Hinaris
Peter Lupkin
Helen Oh
Carol Pylant


Current Hours:
Anytime by private appointment Monday to Saturday.
email:  mail@galleryvictor.com
business phone:  312.722.6447
cell phone/text:  773.841.8980
(24 hours advance notice requested for visits)



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