Lily Pad | West presents “Liminal Space,” featuring new work by Mississippi-based painter Cathy Hegman, California-based painter Kathy Jones, and New York-based sculptor Anne de Villemejane.
Liminal space is a term for the place between here and there, the time between what was and what is to come. It is an unsettled moment where transition takes place, reflection is possible, and growth occurs. The artists of “Liminal Space” cross this threshold into the unknown, and create an opening for their viewers to follow suit. Fragmented environments, manipulated scale, and rich surface textures are all used to further the idea of a space in-between, and female figures are shown weaving in and out of these spaces. Ambiguous in persona, the figures invite the viewer to project their own histories and experiences onto the work, offering a companion and guide to what can be a difficult journey.