
Linda Ann Weber: ART Attitude

May 11, 2019 - Jun 15, 2019

Local, contemporary artist, Linda Ann Weber, will debut her mixed-media artwork to industry influencers, curators and art enthusiasts for the first time in Chicago, this spring.


The exhibition, showcasing Weber’s Graffiti Series, will kick off with an opening reception on May 11 and run through June 15. The show, titled ART Attitude, is coming off a highly successful pop-up launch held last November at The Art Center in Highland Park.

An anticipated highlight for the evening will be an interactive art installation titled XXX, that will allow each guest to actively engage in adding artistic components to graffiti artwork initiated by Weber. Weber will also be unveiling the exhibit’s massive 5’x7’ showpieces, My Kind of Town I & My Kind of Town II, which will pay unique homage to our amazing city, past and present. Food and drink will be served for this free event.

Weber, an Evanston native, expresses her art through the process of “abstract intuitive painting”, which is the exploration of painting and mark-making, building layers of history and texture on each canvas. Her graphic design background sets her apart from other contemporaries and inspires her trademark method: using and overlaying a variety of mixed mediums to create stunning, unexpected collages of artwork.

“I work with a variety of materials including acrylic paint, pencil, crayon, paper collage and glazing mediums to create each individual work,” Weber notes. “I implement a very

serendipitous process, which continues to evolve and grow. I'm definitely drawn to collage and typography from my design background.”

The event will take place in the spacious atrium at “Chicago’s Creatorspace™” Workshop 4200, which is housed in the vast, former Hammond Organ Factory on Diversey Ave. in the artistic, quietly burgeoning Hermosa neighborhood.

“I want my artwork to be thought-provoking and relevant,” Weber muses. “It’s very different than other contemporary artists’ work and has inherently evolved over the past few years without any influence from other artists.”

A portion of proceeds from sales at the event will benefit the Chicago art community.

ABOUT THE ARTIST: Linda Ann Weber grew up in Evanston and her studio is based out of her home in Chicago’s North Shore. Her artwork is currently on exhibit at galleries in Florida, New York and until recently, Artspace 8 on Michigan Avenue. Linda can be commissioned for a custom piece of any size for personal or commercial presentation.


Website: www.LindaAnnWeber.com

Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chicago-launch-opening-reception-linda-ann-weber-art-attitude-tickets-55227078679

Instagram: @laweberartist; Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005058437729

Other Press: https://jwcdaily.com/sheridanroadmagazine/2018/09/04/shapes-color-and-intuition/

#ArtAttitude #LindaAnnWeber



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