
National Veterans Art Museum Triennial: On War & Survival

May 2, 2019 - Jul 28, 2019
78 E. Washington, Chicago, IL 60602

Chicago Rooms, 2nd Floor North, and Michigan Avenue Galleries, 1st Floor East

With a focus on the visual, literary, performative and creative practices of veterans, the National Veterans Art Museum Triennial explores a century of war and survival while challenging the perception that war is something only those who have served in the military can comprehend. Throughout history, art has provided a frame to create meaning out of the complicated experience of war, seek justice and imagine reconciliation. The NVAM Triennial draws on this history to connect today’s veteran artists with the history of veteran creative practices and their impact on society over the past century. The exhibition coincides with the Veteran Art Summit happening in Chicago May 2–5, with additional presentations, workshops, panels and discussions happening at the National Veterans Art Museum and the DePaul Museum. For more information, visit nvam.org/triennial.


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