
Objectifying the Photograph

Aug 29, 2017 - Oct 20, 2017
Northern Illinois University, Altgeld Hall, 1st Floor, West End, 595 College Ave. DeKalb, IL 60115

Exhibition on view: August 29-October 14, 2017

Public reception: Thursday, Septebmer 21, 5-7pm

A group exhibition of contemporary artists broadening our definition of photography with artists: Pamela Banos, Alex Chitty, Joshua Citarella, Jeanne Dunning, Scott Reeder, Letha Wilson, Hyounsang Yoo. Co-curated by NIU School of Art and Design Assistant Professors Jessica Labatte, Photography and Mike Rea, Sculpture

Image: Joshua Citarella, Hands with Multiplied Coltan, Installation View, 2015, c-print (68 x 52 in.). Courtesy the artist.

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