80 Years of Work by 40 Artists
Featuring work from the permanent collection, On the Nature of Wisconsin is a celebration of Wisconsin artists and their relationship with the natural world. A state known for its fresh water, forests, and parks, this exhibition examines the connections artists have made and observed with these surroundings. Works included depict sweeping landscapes, quiet farm life, reimagined plants and animals, and objects exemplifying natural forms.
On the Nature of Wisconsin was an incredibly well-received exhibition that was cut short by the temporary closing due to COVID-19. A virtual version of the exhibit was launched shortly after the closing. By extending the physical exhibition for two weeks, The Warehouse is offering guests another opportunity to see the show in person.
Open Hours: 10 am to 4 pm June 22, June 24, June 26, June 29, and July 1 BY RESERVATION ONLY
To visit The Warehouse please call 414-252-0677 ex. 6 and make a reservation. Reservations are available in one-hour time slots from 10 am to 4 pm, with the last reservation at 3 pm. There will be 15 reservable spots for each one-hour time slot to allow for social distancing in the gallery space. Guests with reservations will be asked to wait until their reserved time to enter the building to allow for proper sanitizing between groups. Face masks are required and guests who are not members of the same household will be asked to maintain six feet of distance in the gallery space. Restrooms are single-use only. A rigorous cleaning schedule has been implemented to ensure safe conditions for our guests and staff.
Images: Clockwise: "Meadow (Lorrie Otto's Garden)" (1970) by Ruth Grotenrath, "untitled" (1993) by Jim Brozek, "Freeing the Trees" (unknown) by Bill Reid, "Nin Nenawina" (unknown) by Tom Uttech, "Birds in Tree" (1997) by Xn-trix. From the permanent collection, all rights reserved. Photographs by Robb Quinn.