
OPEN PLAY: New Works by Ben Tinsley

Nov 10, 2018 - Jan 19, 2019
2251 W Grand, Chicago, IL 60612

This show represents the curiosity, imagination and play of being a kid.

Two and a half years ago, my daughter Charlotte was born. I made the decision to quit my full-time job and stay at home with her. This not only gave me time to focus on my art, but it also let me closely observe my daughter as she grew.

It’s been fascinating to see the way a young person experiences the world for the first time. As she became a toddler, I watched her create and play and see her imagination come to life.

When I was creating this body of work, I felt like it was echoing Charlotte's free and growing spirit. I tried to absorb and harness the idea of fantasy, imagination, and wonder.


Image: Ben Tinsley, Night Owl, 2018.

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