
Robert Horvath: White Gold

Jul 8, 2017 - Aug 19, 2017
8 S. Michigan Ave., Ste. 620, Chicago, IL 60603

Exhibition on view: July 8-August 19, 2017
Opening Reception: Saturday, July 8, 5-8 pm
Artist’s Talk: Saturday, August 19, 4pm

Bert Green Fine Art, in partnership with Aron Packer Projects, is pleased to present our second solo show of the work of Indianapolis-based painter and sculptor Robert Horvath.

Robert Horvath is originally from Slovakia in Eastern Europe, and has in recent years developed a fascination with Rococo porcelain. His work for this show is a series of paintings and digital compositions that incorporate homoerotic imagery into the Rococo style, transforming it into a contemporary idiom. Fusing technical virtuosity with “NSFW” (Not Safe for Work) imagery permits these artworks to advance a dialogue that breaks free of historical strictures.

The visual style of this current body of work expands on what Horvath has been doing over the past 20 years. Originally a portraitist of club kids and club fashion, Horvath captures figures of gay porn in throes of ecstasy. He places the miniaturized “actors” into the porcelain ornament, which is not unlike his exploration into organic forms and light on which his last decade of work was based.  Morphing all his interests has led to this precisely controlled and filigreed still life with figures, upon a background of set pattern with abstract elements. Over the top, glossy and self-absorbed, his work has gone back from whence it came, as the club kids and the porn stars are not unlike the dandies and elegant ladies of the Rococo.

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