
Alicia LaChance, new paintings

Sep 8, 2023 - Nov 1, 2023
704 N. Wells, Chicago, IL 60654

LaChance makes large scale, process driven paintings built up through layers of acrylic, casein, latex and spray paint on a fresco-secco ground over canvas. Her mark-making involves traditional brushwork, sign maker's techniques, silk screen, taping, powdered pigment stains, scraping and sanding. LaChance's work conveys a layering and compression of multicultural traditions and art historical references, from ancient folk traditions to street art. Her highly worked paintings often use open source graphs as a compositional map and armature to hang intellectual ideas from as they relate to pushing boundaries in abstraction and process. Recently, her painting, New Village I, was reinterpreted as a 27' terrazzo floor public art installation at St. Louis International Airport. This work was also highlighted in the Wall Street Journal.

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