Markets / Sales

SoNA Holiday Boutique

Nov 28, 2023 - Dec 24, 2023

Just in time for the holidays, a special section in the Gallery Annex is ready with holiday items in a wide range of prices. Coasters by Jill Kolkerand Sharon Bladholm, prints by several of the artists (including Sharon’s beautiful watercolors), mini-paintings on cute little easels by Tom Robinson and Loralyn Kumlin, greeting cards by Tita Brady, books by Tita and Sharon, Mark’s book, Making Space, beautiful jewelry in the gallery by artists Melle Finelli and Christy Klug, and more. Additional items from other artists are being added for this special holiday offering. Come select the perfect gifts for your family and friends and support the artists and the gallery!

Image: Coasters by Jill Kolker

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