
Three Hares

Oct 5, 2018 - Oct 25, 2018
2130-40 W. Fulton, Unit B. Chicago, IL 60612

The Chicago Artists Coalition is pleased to present Three Hares, a HATCH Projects exhibition featuring new works by Bobby Gonzales, Kate Conlon, and Olivia Petrides.

An enigmatic puzzle with triangular symmetry, the “three hares” figure is thought to have a range of symbolic, mystical, or numinous associations, all of which have varied across time, geography, and culture. Potential explanations of the three hares symbol have ranged from connections to peace and tranquility; rebirth and resurrection; psychoanalytic concepts about the feedback loop between the conscious and unconscious mind; or alchemical notions about cyclical energy and infinity. Ultimately, however, its origins are unknown, as is any unified conception of its inherent meaning. It remains, possibly, an unanswerable riddle.

The systems through which we make meaning in/of the world become both the subject and process in the work of Gonzales, Conlon, and Petrides. Through various cumulative strategies of layering and collage, representation and abstraction, they utilize printmaking, drawing, textiles and sculpture as means of exploring individuated and collective knowledge production about self and existence.

Three Hares is organized by Greg Ruffing.



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