Dr. Don Lincoln, Fermilab
Einstein spent the last decades of his life trying to work out a theory that would explain all known phenomena. He failed, but his vision has been pursued by generations of researchers and there have been many popular science books and articles that imply that such a theory could be right around the corner. In this talk, Fermilab’s Dr. Don Lincoln will explain the current status in this timeless quest and give the audience a sense of the prospects for completing Einstein’s dream. He will end with an honest assessment of the likely timeline.
Don Lincoln is a Senior Scientist at Fermilab. He was a member of the teams that discovered the top quark in 1995 and the Higgs boson in 2012. Lincoln is also an avid popularizer of science. He has written several books for the public, most recently The Large Hadron Collider. He also writes for many online venues like CNN, Scientific American, and many others. He appears frequently on the Fermilab YouTube channel and he has made several video courses available through The Great Courses company.
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Top Image: Complete solar eclipse from as viewed from Carbondale, IL. - Aug. 2017