6 - 7 PM // Tune in to the Woman Made Gallery YouTube channel for conversations between juror Brenda Oelbaum and highlighted artists Mabi Ponce de Leon, Gwynneth VanLaven, and Qianwen Yu.
Eventbrite registered ticketholders will be invited to participate via Zoom for a question and answer segment. The Zoom link will be shared by email up to 1hr in advance of the program.
ABOUT THE 4th MIDWEST OPEN: Juried by Feminist activist artist Brenda Oelbaum, the exhibition explores art and artist thinking in the Midwest. With 44 artists from seven of the Midwest states, this exhibition opens doors to the vibrancy, diversity, and strong feminist voice built within the term Midwesterner.
Image: A Woman of Many Hats by Gwynneth VanLaven.