
Winter Series Part I, Session 2: Sonia & Robert Delaunay, Creators of Orphism (online program)

Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
927 Noyes St. Studio 222, Evanston, IL 60201

To brighten this dark time of year, delve into the ideas and imaginations of three early 20th century artists for whom color was a key artistic element. We'll learn how these artists were influenced by Cubism while spawning roots in Surrealism, and talk about how their fascinating life stories affected their work. This program also includes recommended videos to get a sense of what the artists were like in person.

For our second session, we’ll focus on Sonia and Robert Delaunay. Branching from Cubism in pre-WWI Paris, this married couple developed a vibrant visual language combining color and geometry. At times their work is extremely alike, while at other points they have distinct differences. Robert created ballet sets; Sonia created ballet costumes. When economic times were tough, Sonia brought her artistic vision to advertising, marketing, and her wearable art.

Link to Register:

Image Credit: Composition F325 (Study for Rythme Coloré) by Sonia Delaunay

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