
Woman Made Gallery's Feminist Biennial

Sep 24, 2022 - Nov 4, 2022
1332 S. Halsted St. Chicago, IL 60607

Woman Made Gallery (WMG) is proud to present the The Feminist Biennial, juried by Ashley Wynn. It is a group exhibition featuring the artwork of 34 women and non-binary artists exploring feminist thought, action, art practices and lived experience in 2022.

In her juror’s statement, Ashley Wynn writes: “’Each work presents both a timeless and timely expression of the pluralism of feminism, a provocative amalgamation of intersectional pursuits of equality, liberation, and autonomy, upending preconceived ideologies of what it means to be a woman. The resultant conversation invites an active exploration into a broader spectrum of experiences and perspectives, dynamically opposing binary boundaries imposed upon genders and identification.

Thank you to our juror, Ashley Wynn and all exhibiting artists whose work is part of this beautiful exhibition. 

You may view the exhibition HERE

Image: Artwork by Charleston Cain


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