
The Bean is Open Again

Anish Kapoor, Cloud Gate. Photo Patrick L.Pyszka, City of Chicago.


By CGN Staff

Anish Kapoor's famous public sculpture in Chicago, officially knows as "Cloud Gate" but affectionately known as “The Bean”, is back and ready for the world's fingerprints. The city recently completed renovations to The Bean, which was first unveiled 20 years ago at the opening of Millennium Park. Now the city says that while working to care for the shiny towering work of art they also took advantage of the opportunity to enhance the visitor experience as well as improve and modernize accessibility in the surrounding plaza. 

"Cloud Gate" is one of Chicago’s most popular sights. The monumental work of art anchors downtown Millennium Park and reflects the city’s famous skyline and the surrounding green space. Now the 33 foot high, 110 ton sculpture can even help visitors plan their next trip to Chicago with a new interactive, AI-powered tool that 

Cloud Gate was Kapoor's first permanent public outdoor work in the United States, and is widely considered his most famous.

Enjoy reconnecting with this iconic work this summer! 

Read CGN's feature on the 20th anniversary of Millennium Park here