
Discussion with the Artists: Shadow Fixation

Thursday, Jan 25, 2018 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
1310 Chicago Ave. Evanston, IL 60201

All events are free and open to the public.

This exhibition showcases the work of five artists who further challenge and deconstruct the medium and its materials. Doug Fogelson makes images of cameras, but not by photographing with any camera. They are color photograms which record the shadows and contours of vintage cameras set below the enlarger in the darkroom. Julie Weber addresses the transitory nature of the light sensitive material by allowing the photo paper, exposed prior, but not fixed, to slowly reveal and wash away the latent image during the exhibition. Jaclyn Wright interrogates the intersection of analog and digital processes by taking 4x5” film holders, generally meant to protect film from light, and artfully ruining their intended function with laser cuts that produce overlapping patterns and tonalities. Juan Fernandez also uses the form of the photogram (exposure of paper with white light and no negative) to depict three dimensional objects like icosahedrons, with the precision of a draftsman and the texture of an intaglio print. Through the gestures of curling, warping, overlapping and cascading film transparencies Elina Ruka contemplates the ever-changing nature of water and the malleability of image - its form and meaning.

*Photo Courtesy of Jaclyn Wright 

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