Perspective Photo Gallery

Perspective Group and Photography Gallery Limited is a not-for-profit, community-oriented cooperative of visual artists whose purpose is to promote fine art photography. Its monthly offerings include: exhibitions and artist talks by its member-artists; lectures by notable guest speakers; an international juried exhibition; a regional juried exhibition; an invitational show; and, a juried show for Chicago-area high school students. The member-artists of Perspective Group and Photography Gallery bring a rich blend of talent, experience and focus to the gallery. Their artistic styles, techniques and media include film, digital, alternative processes, mixed media, collage, and constructed images. In addition to being acquired by private and public collections, members’ work has been shown in prestigious art galleries, colleges, and libraries, as well as in local, national and international juried exhibitions.

Opening receptions are generally the first Saturday evening of the month. Information about artist talks and other events may be found on

Image: Huddled Masses © Alexa Frangos