
Donna Wesley Spencer: A Southern Diary

Aug 31, 2017 - Oct 1, 2017
1310 Chicago Ave. Evanston, IL 60201

Exhibition on view: August 31-October 1, 2017

Opening reception: Saturday, September 2, 5-7pm

Donna Wesley Spencer has spent most of her adult life in Evanston, IL., but she grew up in the South. The photographs in “A Southern Diary” are her response to a long-ago question about when she would be coming home. For the past few years, she has been spending more time in the rural and small town South, photographing places and people that define the region for her, making work in East Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia. She is especially interested in places that retain the remnants of history. What she first considered to be the project of a summer has become a continuing journey.

Also showing work in September are Lisa Beard, Alexa Frangos, Mark Kaufman and Christopher Schneberger.

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