
Jaime Foster Solo Exhibition

Aug 12, 2022 - Sep 12, 2022
704 S. Wabash Ave, Chicago, IL 60605

Jaime Foster is a mixed-media artist and illustrator, currently living just outside of Chicago. Her work has been shown in galleries throughout the US as well as internationally. Her photographs and paintings are displayed in private collections, as well as public.

"I am interested in the relationship we have with nature and our environment, both positively, negatively and how this effects us on an emotional level. My paintings feed off the fascination I have with Ecopsychology, Conservation and Biodiversity." - Foster

The spiritual connection humans have with the natural world is as old as humanity. It’s an integral part of human nature whether we’re consciously aware of it or not. For a start, the natural world provides the vital necessities of life: water, food, and air. But it also provokes awe, wonder and exhilaration that touch our souls in ways we still can’t describe.



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