
New Work by members Jane Feely and Tobin Fraley

Feb 1, 2024 - Feb 25, 2024
1310 Chicago Ave. Evanston, IL 60201

In February, two members explore the related themes of memory and preservation.

Jane Feely writes "For me, photography and memories are inextricably linked. I have always used images to record what I wish to remember. Now I also make images that prompt me to say, 'Oh, that reminds me of …'

'Fragmented' melds these trigger images with hazy snippets of childhood memories and old family photos, sparking a personal, emotional journey into my past."

Photographer and author Tobin Fraley spent eight  years exploring a nature preserve he names "36 Acres", producing a statement about what is lost each time any area of wilderness is leveled for new development. Fortunately for the residents of the area around Long Grove, Illinois this small parcel of land is well-protected, but thousands of other acres across the globe that are just as lush, beautiful and filled with biodiversity, are disappearing each day. 

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